Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First Post

Well, here goes. After a relatively unsuccessful first Etsy shop (RazzleDazzleBeads...I only had about 10 sales in 6 months), I decided to step it up a few notches. Sticking to the "first is the worst, second is the best" mantra, I have decided that my new Etsy shop "Tiny Galaxy" will be...THE BEST. In that case, if I am ever to start a third shop, it will inevitable have "the hairiest chest" or "the teacher's breasts" or whatever we used to say in 3rd grade.

Here are some things that I KNOW to be 100% certain:

I am not crazy about my current job

I love my family

That being said, in a perfect world I could quit my job and spend exorbitantly more time with my family. In real life, that will not happen. What I can do is parlay my crafty ways into a decent supplemental income so that I can quit slaving for "The Man" and get a less stressful, OK-paying job, which will leave me more time to craft and hang with my family.

On a sweet note, my little dog, Louie, is making a rapid recovery from his tummy bug. He's back to his naughty little self, and was recently caught sneaking the macaroni and cheese powder packet from the trash can and eating the gross cheese dust. Oh, I love him!

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