Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Etsy on Facebook

So, I was walking up the basement stairs last night and missed a step and subsequently fell down them while dropping a huge box of vintage buttons. I skinned my knees and one elbow, and scraped up my toe pretty hard. My husband came to the rescue and helped me pick up all the buttons and then helped me hobble up the stairs while my dog watched helplessly. I bet he was watching and was thinking "MOM! I know you're in trouble, but I literally can do nothing to help! Is that bad of me?"

In other dog-related news, Nick and Leah (our friends from way back) are getting a puppy! He's adorable and they're rescuing him from a shelter (good people!!). Hopefully, they'll get him today or tomorrow and Louie will have a new buddy to play with.

Got a few new things up on the site: